
Generate more leads from your digital activities (part 1): Benefits from leads


Thinking creatively while testing new advertisement platforms and technologies to find new and effective ways to generate more leads.

Every marketer knows the importance of effective lead generation, and is continuously trying to drive more traffic to the digital platforms in order to raise conversions. This means thinking creatively while testing new advertisement platforms and technologies to find new and effective ways to generate more leads.

Many of these techniques are related to content and the combination is known as Content Marketing. Central to this approach is that you use content to generate traffic while acquiring information about the visitors. The final objective is of course to turn the anonymous visitors into identified leads.

To help you generate more leads from your Content Marketing efforts we have gathered and described 5 techniques, which have proven effective:

  1. Blog posts
  2. Landing pages
  3. White papers
  4. Social media
  5. Split tests

Use this blog post as inspiration on how to leverage and reuse your content to drive more traffic and identify leads.

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